From niche sport to worldwide sensation. Not only in Singapore but around the world, with the popularity of indoor climbing on the rise, here’s why parents should start looking more closely at this sport, like any other enrichment class.

Parents considering enrichment for their children are spoilt for choice these days – and the question pops – why climbing? Isn’t it better learning some musical instrument such as the piano or violin that is supposed to improve our intelligence? What do so many people, young and old, see in spending their free time hanging off a wall? 

We’ve already gone through some points on how climbing improves mental health previously. However, parents may find yourself considering whether to really allow your children to consider climbing as their sport of choice. 

How do you know if your child can be a good climber and why would you want to risk your child to its dangers, after knowing about the possible accidents that can result from climbing accidents? Let us demystify some of your climbing worries here.

How Young Can You Start Climbing?

How young can you start climbing? At, your little ones from as young as 4 yrs of age and above 15kg. By this age, most kids will be able to use their problem solving skills to get through various routes and holds.  

Watch “Mei Mei Learns to Climb”

Climbing is not as dangerous as you think!

Climbing is very safe, especially indoor climbing, when you do it right. Like with any sport, there are safety rules – and if respected and adherred to, it is very safe after all.

If your child is too young, don’t take them climbing until they are able to follow rules such as:

  • Not to walk under other climbers at the bouldering wall
  • Getting proper belaying support* and vice versa, being a good belayer – don’t assume you know how to belay for someone else if you have not gotten proper instructions or training.
  • Safety checks – always double check your rope knots and your belayer must also check as well.

Ok but if there are such rules then there will be implicit dangers, so why would you even let your kids do it? Well, there are more reasons why climbing is a unique sport that you can’t just ignore these days.

* Note: At’s Fun Zone, we are using auto-belaying systems which means you do not need another person to belay you as you climb. Children and parents alike can pick any station, hook up your harness, and get climbing!


Sport Climbing is here to stay!

With the number of indoor climbing gyms exploding in the last couple of years in Singapore, we’re glad to know that sport climbing is on the rise and will continue to grow in popularity among our young people today. It is even set to make its first appearance at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, and the first round of qualification tournaments take place from August 11-17 in Tokyo this year. 

Young climbers at the National Bouldering Trials 2019, Singapore

With just one year towards the first-ever sport climbing event in the Olympics, and with the recent Singapore National Climbing Trials just completed, we can say that the climbing community is watching this event closely – as it signifies greater prospects and potential of growth for sport climbing as a whole.

Read full article here for everything you need to know about sport climbing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics: 


Vision 2030

A Vision 2030 report recently unveiled by Sport Singapore (SportSG), describes a “Kallang Alive” project featuring a multi-purpose community sports hub in discussion. 

Plans for a “Youth Hub” may in future contain a space for extreme and unique sport such as speed climbing and parkour, which means yet more avenues for climbing for our youth today!

Read more at 


We need to caution however about getting too competitive. Like any sport, there is a certain balance one must give your child, between encouragement versus pressure. Too much pressure and the child will be stressed and give up. Parents of competitive climbers often face the struggle of wanting your child to have fun and relax, yet to also take it seriously and perform their best, but this is also the best time to get to really understand what your child wants and to support him/her, rather than expect him/her to perform.

Father and son climbing together at


Time to Get Started! 

After all these thoughts on climbing for kids and the climbing landscape today, you will only be able to chart a real climbing adventure after you get started. 

For many, overcoming their initial fears proved to be the hardest challenge,  but after that, climbing could become a real life-long passion for some.

Parents can encourage your kids by giving them time to adjust, overcome fears, and practice problem solving as they climb more difficult routes. 

In the meantime, don’t settle with just watching your children climb. Start climbing yourself too, because it’s a sport for all ages!